My word of the day…

…was “feckless.” Feck that. They’ve insulted my intelligence yet once more.

Found a much better word via Neil Gaiman’s Blog:

The word Tulpa is from the Tibetan language and refers to any entity that attains reality solely by the act of imagination. The entity is created entirely within the confines of ones own mind, not drawn out, written down or even verbally described.

If its creator wishes, this “Tulpa Creation” may become physical reality through intense concentration and visualization. However, care must be taken to only bring to reality what is beneficial to the world, lest it’s destruction becomes more problematic than its creation (see related account on Alexandra David-Neel.)

Also during last night’s revelries, I discovered the joys of caramel vodka.

Is it candy? Is it liquor? Who gives a #@%$, it’s good.

Not that I can afford that sort of thing right now.

In fact it’s likely off to the payday loan place for me…

Hope your respective Christmases were happy, or at least failed to suck too terribly…

Happy Boxing Day!!!

Our Christmas was rather low key, but nice. Spent it with my husband’s family mostly, and were fed and gifted well. Needless to say, all day my girls bounced off the walls in manic rapturous joy. In fine Day After Christmas tradition,Chaos does ensue. There are toys scattered to the four winds, Maggie is wrestling with her dog (telling him “Well, Danny, maybe you’re a bad dog and maybe you’re a good dog, and maybe you’re a bad dog and maybe you’re a good dog…yeah, I love you,Danny…”) and Sarah is eating the first and last Oreo she will have for quite some time. It is now time for the traditional Ordering Of The Boxing Day Pizza and the Drinking Of Caffeine. I shall need fuel in order to clean up this mess and I still have some post Christmas gifts to make for the game night people. Cthulu Christmas Cards if I can get my printer to work. Otherwise, CD mixes for all. In light of this most stressful of holiday seasons, I am reminded of the year my sister announced she was celebrating Kwanzaa instead of Christmas, because it starts the day after Christmas and you make your own presents and she was feeling kind of cheap that year. My sister used to be really funny, but she’s gotten kind of staid and conservative at the ripe old age of 25. May I never grow old, says the pigtailed thirty year old who’s eating chocolate for breakfast. Even if I keep getting lumps of coal in my stocking. I shite you not, there were lumps of coal, well candy lumps of coal, anyway. But, alas, I have much to do today besides update my blog and watch the Care Bear Excercise video for the hundreth time this morning.

In the meantime, to assist in your post holiday letdown, here’s some McSweeneys links to brighten your rainy day:

Vote “No” On Jesus For President

Postcards From James Joyce in Paris

How To Outsource Your Marriage Proposal

Bad Santa indeed

Aaarrggh!!! I’d written a post and tried to post a link to a website that counted down the days until Christmas and was gunned down by a flash animation and loud musical rendition of electronic Jingle Bells. Ovewhelmed my browser. Won’t share the link as I have no desire to share the agony…

Wanted to mention that it’s International Buy Nothing Day and to add the caveat that local businesses and jewelry sellers in the mall, for example don’t count as evil corporate entities, so by all means, buy from such merchants as they:)

And learned there’s a textbook on blogging. WTF? How self indulgent is that? But I wouldn’t mind it for Christmas. Or else this.

Other then that, all you’ve missed was a pastry recipe and tales of maternal guilt, which I shall expound on at a later date.

Peace out. Or whatever. Hope you had a happy holiday.


I laughed aloud…

…as I watched my friends get eaten and dismembered by Great Cthulu. Played Munchkin last night at game night, and it was pretty damn fun. Who says geeks don’t have a sense of humour? Also discussed the pitfalls of retail real estate negotiations. Myself, I have no knowledge. I’m just here for moral support and to distill every statement into a short and clever catchphrase. Diviniations provided upon request.

Cardinal Sins of the Retail Economy

Went to the Barnes and Noble instead of the local indy bookseller again. Because the aisles are wider and they sell coffee in the store instead of three stores away. I’m going to politically incorrect consumer hell, I know. To compound things, I was going to take the girls to a nice little diner for lunch and gave up and went for fast food instead. I truly think most evil corporate empires in the world are fueled by the flat out laziness of the general populace in this country. We don’t have time to look for what we want, we want to be told what we want and then have it handed over to us in exchange for a reasonable amount of money. Even if it comes into our greedy little palms by way of sweatshop labor or fraudulent marketing or murdered orphan bunnies or something. We don’t want to know how it happens, we just want it and we want it now. I say as I sip my Starbucks/Barnes & Noble Christmas blend cafe au lait. Shame on you if all you can think about after reading that sentence is how good the coffee sounds:)

Peace,Love, and Armchair Revolution,

Corbid Ravenous, Pathetic Marketing Vicitm

21st century girl

Realized we have not yet achieved an elctronic universe yet when it comes to money, at least in some choice locations. Drove all the way downtown then realized I had no change for the friggin parking meters. contemplated finding an ATM machine, then spending some cash somewhere, then said fuck it, I have a sleeping baby in the car and left. Maybe next time…