Saturday, May 05, 2007 Lead will never be gold it is just lead…

Lead will never be gold it is just lead…
Current mood: depressed
Category: Life

I am leaden footedly sad. Irrationally, hormonally, moodily, chemically, embedded in my cells depressed. I have gradually holed myself up and lost touch with my friends and family, even more so since the fire. I never go out anymore. I am feeling alone and obsolete. I have a partner who loves me, but he is a stoic German and a social recluse by nature and not really a big help in this instance, no offense. I feel like I am being absorbed into myself. Like I am disappearing and being replaced by something quite like me but more functional and devoid of a soul. This is no one’s fault but my own.

Currently listening :
Yours, Mine & Ours
By The Pernice Brothers
Release date: By 20 May, 2003

2:39 PM – 1 Comments – 0 Kudos – Add CommentEditRemove


<P>Jung would say you need a solid belief system; an unshaken, steadfast faith in something beyond the world. Its the only way to overcome the existentialist blahs. </P><P> </P>

Posted by shane on May 6, 2007 1:37 PM
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