Information is power. And the internet is almost pure information.Think
about that a bit. Now think about it in a political context. And read the
following article:
From The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Month: July 2004
Selfish Bastards Unite
I think most people fail to realize one of the simplest concepts graspable, which is that we are all basically selfish bastards at heart, and that what makes us human is the process of overcoming that. It isn’t really that nefarious a concept. It’s simply basic biology and human nature. The hierarchy of needs and all that. We are born into this world with an instinctual urge to seek out shelter and food and comfort. Our basic mammalian instincts force us to seek out our own happiness. Humanity is the process by which allowing for the needs and concerns of others to become part of that process of taking care of ourselves as individuals. When the knowledge of the sruvival and happiness of those around us become a neccessary part of our individual well being. Love is the unnatural state in which another person’s happiness can content you and when their pain becomes inextricably entwined with your own. The fact that any other human being can take the great and wondrous leap from a primary concern with self preservation to caring enough about another human being to empathize with or love or even hate them is rather a miracle in and of itself. The fact that there are people in our lives at all, regardless of how difficult they may be to make allowances for, is just kind of amazing. Perhaps we should appreciate that more. Count our blessings or whatever. Just a thought.
Corbid Waxing Philosophic on A Thrusday
Why my house looks like that…still…
When my kids are here it’s too loud and chaotic to clean, but when they’re gone I’m too lonely and depressed to do anything useful and I end up avoiding my responsibilities and trying to rope people into talking on the phone with me instead of working. Fuck it, I’m going to drink a couple of Fat Tires and go to bed way too early like a big loser and hope that the motivation faery visits me in the night…
Hang the DJ
The latest Corbidful mix CD consists of the following:
“Lisa Says” – The Velvet Underground
“Dirty Old Town” – The Pogues
“House On Fire” – Boomtown Rats
“Cupid’s Got A Brand New Gun” – Michael Penn
“Speak My Language” – The Cure
“Oh Me” – Nirvana (Meat Puppets Cover)
“Unwashed and Somewhat Slightly Dazed” – Bowie
“Hey Jack Kerouac” – 10,000 Maniacs
“Father Lucifer” – Tori Amos
“Julie Anne” – Ben Folds Five
“Elephant’s Graveyard” – Boomtown Rats
“Spare Ass Annie” William S Burroughs w/ Kurt Cobain
Not making this up at all…
Dreamt I was on trial for crimes of being human in a soulless world.
Coming soon!
Thea Gilmore song …
With some of the best lyrics that I have heard in ages…
Holding Your Hand
I’m gonna haunt you
I’m gonna haunt you
Through the playgrounds
Through the fires
You’ll be saluting at the stars
And I’ll be holding your hand
I’m gonna haunt you
I’m gonna haunt you
Out on the other side of luck
Where every business deal is struck
I’ll be holding your hand
Yeah Yeah
I’ll be holding your hand
I’m gonna haunt you
I’m gonna haunt you
In your ashes and your smoke
Like the punch line to a joke
I’ll be holding your hand
I’m gonna haunt you
I’m gonna haunt you
On every knife edge
Every trip
And on every needle tip
I’ll be holding your hand
Yeah yeah
I’ll be holding your hand
So I met a guy at a party the other night and, not that I’m back in the dating
pool or anything yet, god forbid, but still I’m not dead. Anyway this guy
was cute and witty and interesting and just had sort of a general attractive
vibe to him, right? Had read the Sandman series, knew cool historical trivia, gave a fucking excellent neck massage if I do say so myself.Don’t know what it was, I just really was intrigued. So
we converse a bit.Turns out he’s in his early forties, lives in relative
poverty and admittedly has a depressive disorder. I didn’t ask if he was
Irish. If he’s Irish then that makes it official: I have a type: depressive
low income Irish American men in their early forties. I am predictable as
the tides. It’s fucking tragic. And also it’s a shame because I’m totally and unfairly ignoring the whole White Male Geek aged twenty five to thirty five crowd to whom I am apparently most desirable.
say the word
The words “I love you” are supposed to be a spontaneous and fleeting declaration yet somehow in today’s society they have evolved into a question or a command or a tool with which to bully.
Sometimes thwy just mean what they mean in that second and that context for just that moment and it sucks that the big bad world has to go and suck the sweetness out of all tha just liek every other thing…
Apparently I can taunt the cable modem into letting me online. I got halfway through setting up a dialup connection and viola, back in business. For now anyway.