Ha Ha, found it on my own! My former adolescent partner in crime has a blog of her very own now.
Author: Corbid Ravenous
Daughters Of The Moon Tarot Cards Of The Day
When she appears you know your magic is working and you are moving forward in a spiritually positive direction. Kuan Yin also represents well being in all your elements: balanced emotions, material security, mental agility and the ability to act
The Focus card also addresses how we pay attention to others, thereby empowering them. The celebrity or star system is an example of unbalanced focused attention. We all deserve and need recognition. If everyone gives and receives, there is no scarcity or need to compete, as there will be enough for everyone
Just a Thought
Sometimes when one is trying to prove one’s worth to others one just comes across as an unbearable snob instead. Or maybe it’s just me that does that.
Festivals Tucson, TUCSON ENTERTAINMENT, Culture Clubs
It’s friggin mandatory. And it’s as old as I am.
A complaint…
Been following Neil Gaiman’s 1602, and this month’s comic is kind of a rip off, comparitively, being as literally every other page is an ad. So says “comic book girl.” Why not put in enough ads to make the thing free, then? Why charge so much? Oh, yeah, maybe because the ads are mostly for other comics. And video games. Who do they think I am?
Bizzare news item of the day: bruising one’s ego literally causes pain
Site of the Day II
Site of the Day
Questionable Celtic Myth of the day
I’m apparently way too presumptious
Learned I had strange things in common with a couple of friends I thought I already knew on a nearly telepathic level. Lesson learned. Never take anything for granted.