Three Girls And A Microphone…

Attended the kick ass Grand Opening party for Silver Sea on Friday. Culminated in the Lizzieful one, the Lovely Miss Thea and myslef alone in the back room of the store with a microphone, a sound system and a number of Tori Amos tracks on CD, indulging our inner rock stars. The best parts sometimes happen after the party’s over:)

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William Blake tarot reading of the day

Mystery, when reversed: An enigma that resists inner wisdom. Unexplained or mysterious energies at work. Issues of sexuality. Feeling yourself at the mercy of the divine trickster. Dark omens and portents.

Forgiveness: A trial-and-error blend of creative solutions to a problem or complex issue. Keeping things in proportion and proper balance by making needed adjustments. Managing your time and resources carefully. Listening for inner guidance and tuning in to spiritual advice. ****************************************************************************************************************************************





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Sometimes she’s Salome

Or just another jezebel

in the endless parade

and she falls like the stock market

and you rise like unemployment

and sometimes she falls but no one catches


she falls because she’s unsteady

never learned to walk before learning to fly

strange little bird that she is

when you let her out

of her gilded cage

she just goes looking for other nests

never learned to spread her wings

never learned a lot of things

still somehow she knows too much to be useful

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Another resource for all you lazy liberals

Working Assets – another great site for armchair activism. You can use their prewritten eamil letters to lodge your political concerns, or just repond to the issues as you are alerted to them. And if you have a landline phone (I don’t anymore,) you can choose them as your long distance company and stick it to the corporate profiteers. Plus there’s free Ben and Jerry’s pints to be had. Been there, done that, licked the lid clean.

For your issues oriented enlightenment, may I offer Mother Jones, In These Times which has the occasional Kurt Vonnegut column as a bonus, and Utne Reader, which remains “the best of the alternative press.” You could always buy these magazines, but don’t kid me, you’re all too busy for that. Be an empowered electorate! Or at least be a real “punk.” Or whatever. Just trying to do my part for “the cause,” whatever that is.

Lastly, an issue brought up by a friend of mine: Alaska Logging. Here’s a letter you can cut and paste and legislative contact info.

There, don’t you feel better now?

Reward yourself with some Mcsweeney’s links and a trip to The Onion. Or if you’re still waxing political, check this out…

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Tracklist for the newest mix CD…

…which I can only listen to at home, because my car cd player is missing its faceplate 🙁
1)”Delirious” – Luka Bloom
2)”Jagged” – The Old 97s
3)”Virginia Plain” – Roxy Music
4)”Remove This Doubt” – Elvis Costello
5)”Cecil Brown” – Hank Williams III
6)”Hold Her Down” – Toad The Wet Sprocket
7)Neil Gaiman on Tori Amos
8)”Tear In Your Hand” – Tori Amos
9)”River Euphrates” – The Pixies
10)”Something To Say” – Toad The Wet Sprocket
11)”Nothing To Fear (but fear itself)” – Oingo Boingo
12)”Zak and Sara” – Ben Folds
13)”(I’ll love you)Till The End Of The World” – Nick Cave
14)”Big Love of a Tiny Fool” Peter Murphy
15)”Crucify” – Tori Amos
16)”Candy Says” – Velvet Underground
17)”I Forgot More Than You’ll Ever Know About Her” – Elvis Costello w/ Tom Waits
18)”Clear Spot” – Pernice Brothers
19)”Lover’s Lullaby” – Townes Van Zandt

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Gruff Marine Mammals

Dreamt of dolphins. Common dolphins, not bottle nosed. They could talk and were explaining why it is that they beach themselves sometimes and what we could do if we wanted to help, but I don’t remember what the reason was. Said something about how they would love to submerge themselves for days at a time if only they could get enough air. How they wished they could just breathe underwater and cut out the middle part. Very jaded dolphins. Described themselves as “dolphins, porpoises, whatever the hell you guys are calling us these days…” Seemed most unimpressed with the collective intelligence of humankind. Sort of as though they were the French and we were the Ugly Americans.

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By the way…

You guys do know how to use the comments, right? You just click on the word “comments” and then you can leave one if you want. If I don’t get one soon I’m going to erase the comment feature out of desperation! It is indeed possible to post anonymously if you’re just shy or something.

Also, fyi: “Saille” is the alias on my other blogger account. Another psuedonym of Corbid. Any other poster is probably someone other than I.

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Myth of the Day: Werewolves

In popular folklore, a man who is transformed, or who transforms himself, into a wolf in nature and appearance under the influence of a full moon. The werewolf is only active at night and during that period, he devours infants and corpses. According to legend, werewolves can be killed by silver objects such as silver arrows and silver bullets. When a werewolf dies he is returned to his human form.


The word is a contraction of the old-Saxon word wer (which means “man”) and wolf — werwolf, manwolf. A Lycanthrope, a term often used to describe werewolves, however, is someone who suffers from a mental disease and only thinks he has changed into a wolf.

The concept of werewolves, or lycanthropes, is possibly based on the myth of Lycaon. He was the king of Arcadia, and in the time of the ancient Greeks notorious for his cruelty. He tried to buy the favor of Zeus by offering him the flesh of a young child. Zeus punished him for this crime and turned him into a wolf. The legends of werewolves have been told since the ancient Greeks and are known all over the world. In areas where the wolf is not so common, the belief in werewolves is replaced by folklore where men can change themselves in tigers, lions, bears and other fierce animals.


In the dark Middle Ages, the Church stigmatized the wolf as the personification of evil and a servant of Satan himself. The Church courts managed to put so much pressure on schizophrenics, epileptics and the mentally disabled, that they testified to be werewolves and admitted to receive their orders directly from Satan. After 1270 it was even considered heretical not to believe in the existence of werewolves.

The charge of being a werewolf disappeared from European courts around the 17th century, but only for the lack of evidence. The belief in werewolves, however, did not completely disappear. In Europe after 1600, it was generally believed that if there were no werewolves, then at least the wolf was a creature of evil. This resulted in an unjustified and negative image of the wolf; an image that most people still have today.

“Werewolf.” Encyclopedia Mythica from Encyclopedia Mythica Online.

[Accessed January 19, 2004].

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Runes of the Day, MLK Day

Wunjo is the rune of Joy. Since joy is least frequently a solitary emotion, this rune often represents mutual or communal bliss. Wunjo is also seen as a rune of the gods and a rune of perfection, carrying with it the elation that blazes from the creation of a perfect work – perhaps this is the true joy of the gods, that they can create perfection. That aside, this rune does not focus on the struggle for perfection or on our inevitable imperfections, but rather on a job well done and the satisfaction that comes from it.

Dagez means daylight, and represents divine light. This rune generally refers to dawn (the initial sparking of energy) or to midday (the climax of energy). Both dawn and midday are symbolic of change, but unlike the changes in the perpetual circle of the year which are slow and subtle, the changes over a day are much faster and more dramatic. The breaking of a new day is symbolic of the rapid illumination of dismal circumstances, and is suggestive of Satori. Be careful – although this rune generally suggests a positive change, the symbology of a peaking point suggests that there must be a change downward as well. Fortunately for some, this rune is cyclic and irreversible, and so permanence is not promised – the only thing you can be sure of is an exciting ride.




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