Boo hoo. Nobody ever responds to my quizzes anymore.
And this one wasn’t even all that superflous…
Anyway, here’s a quick update on my life circumstances at present:
Started my new job on Monday and am awaiting proper deployment.
We are awaiting a couple of more hires at which point my normal job duties will ensue.
Not to divulge any competitive or proprietary details, but the gist of it is that I’ll be assigned to a regional sales rep who will then make me his or her bitch. I will do their gruntwork, ship their boxes, and be their Earthly representative in the corporate office. If my sales rep needs a product to be altered it is I who shall beg the product development department on bended knee to look into the possibility of making said alterations. If my sales rep wants to sell a product that is not approved as being “part of the current sales direction,” it is I who will coax and cajole and finesse a postive response from the powers that be. If my sales rep needs to be punished, I will bend over and take the beating and then fax a copy of my bruises to my sales rep. I am about to become a Salaried Professional Martyr. The differences between that and call center work being mainly that I don’t get paid overtime, but I can eat at my desk and I have a corporate email address. My fate rests in the hands of the competence and benevolence of my Sales Rep to be…
In the meantime, I thought you all should know that Kinky Friedman is running for Governor of Texas under the slogan “How Hard Can It Be?”