William Blake Tarot Cards Of The Day

Ace of Music (Passion): “The desire of Man being Infinite the possession is Infinite & himself Infinite.” Release of emotions. Upsurge of creative power. Unlimited potential. Being carried away by your emotions (swept up on wings of song). Feeling a passion for life. Wanting to achieve the highest potentials in yourself and the situation. Following your bliss. Feeling a deep sense of grace and fulfillment. Vulnerability and openness. In the creative process: A passionate desire to rise above the norm, to soar to personal new heights of creative vision.

( Six of Science (Passage): Opening the way or clearing obstacles. Movement of information. A Rite of Passage. A stressful journey. Seeking a sense of purpose. Receiving guidance from a higher source. Exploring new terrain. In the creative process: Your imagination needs to be uncovered or unleashed by resolving contradictory elements and seeking spiritual guidance.


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