For those of you infrequent Blogger users out there (you know who you are) try signing in just for fun. There’ve been some major updates for the better that you may have some fun playing with…
And again, thanks to all who offered me birthday wishes or otherwise feted me on the occasion. And the tulips are STILL alive (corrupted Tori Amos lyric “…but she couldn’t keep tulips alive…”) Lizzie keeps overestimating me and giving me living things to care for in spite of the fact that I only seem to be good at growing humans 🙂 If you haven’t heard the story of the two platties and the neon tetra, well you probably don’t want to. It’s most gruesome and reflects me in a rather poor light. But I’m determined to try and keep these tulips alive for a decent interval. We shall just have to wait and see…