…shamelessly stolen from Davezilla.com
It’s the “We have No Heads” (audio/mpeg Object) song from Denis Leary. I for one have not yet failed to laugh my ass off at this song, but then I am admittedly feebleminded…
(musings from an upstart crow)
…shamelessly stolen from Davezilla.com
It’s the “We have No Heads” (audio/mpeg Object) song from Denis Leary. I for one have not yet failed to laugh my ass off at this song, but then I am admittedly feebleminded…
May the land rise again
Out of the ashes of Phoenix Park and the bloody streets of Belfast
May her soul rise again
From the ravages of time and the cruel course of history
And the jaded hearts of her lost sons and daughters
An Ocean away
Who dream of a home they never knew
And worship a Mother who welcomes them still
Dreamt of staircases and strange faces and things I thought I’d left behind…
Well, that was kind of a dumb idea. So I quit the temp job this morning, and plan on working my new job concurrently with my old job for a week or two as I’ve time for a nap between shifts. But we shall see how long that lasts. Mainly the new job is the new hotness. Or,well maybe not the new hotness but the nice refresshing change for the forseeable future. Better pay, more liveable schedule, time with my wee girls, less thankless job duties, and I’ll presumably still have some time now and then to see old friends:)
For now, I am just totally fucking exhausted, though. So it goes.
A new beginning will change the situation dramatically when it arrives. Much will be different then, so it would be wise to anticipate this by resolving old business, enabling you to truly begin anew.
The first of the Ogham trees, and traditionally the first to have Ogham carved upon it, birch symbolizes beginnings. As both a protector and a gateway to the Otherworld, it also indicates good fortune. There is some risk of hastiness and rashness as well; while good luck can compensate, foresight is also of benefit.
While you may not now have all the information you need about the situation, it will come. Gather it as the salmon gathers hazelnuts, and use your logic and your intuition to make a creative and wise decision.
Many Celtic legends involve the hazel tree, and hazelnuts which give wisdom- especially to the salmon that live in the pool under the tree and eat the nuts. Hazel symbolizes deep wisdom and insight, used to inspire creativity and resolve conflict. The hazel is the ninth tree of the Ogham.
Lady Jane Francesca Wilde [or ?Speranza’] 1821-96 Wilde’s tall and strikingly attractive mother was a talented linguist, poet, and Irish patriot, who had written six books and translated others. Her best-known work is a translation of Meinhold’s Sidonia the Sorceress. Lady Wilde’s nom de plume, Speranza (the Italian for ‘Hope’) came from her advocacy of the cause of Irish freedom.
In 1879, following the death of her husband, Lady Wilde left Dublin for London, where she was a central figure of the circle of Irish writers, including George Bernard Shaw and William Butler Years. She contributed her poems and articles to periodicals, including The Woman’s World, of which Oscar Wilde was the editor in 1887-9. Under his editorship, he raised its status (formerly called The Lady’s World) from a fashion magazine for society ladies to a culture magazine for new, independent women.
During the Wilde trials in 1895, while many of Wilde’s friends persuaded him to leave the country, it was Lady Wilde who insisted that he should stay and stand trial: ‘If you stay, even if you go to prison, you will always be my son. It will make no difference to my affection. But if you go, I will never speak to you again.’ After Wilde’s conviction, however, her health declined rapidly in her despair and sorrow for ‘dear Oscar’. She died in February 1896. Learning that she would not be able to see him again on her deathbed, she said, ‘may the prison help him’.
Guinness is Gaelic For Genius, you know. So drink to superior intelligence and listen to the Pogues and BLACK 47.
Here’s some lyrics about Michael Collins:
Mo chara is mo lao thu!
My friend and my calf
Is aisling trí néallaibh
A vision in dream
Do deineadh aréir dom
Was revealed to me last night
IgCorcaigh go déanach
In Cork, a late hour,
Ar leaba im aonar
In my solitary bed
I remember you back in the GPO with Connolly and Clarke
Laughin’ with McDermott through the bullets and the sparks
Always with the smart remark, your eyes blazin’ and blue
But when we needed confidence we always turned to you
And when they shot our leaders up against Kilmainham wall
You were there beside us in that awful Easter dawn
Hey, big fellah……….where the hell are you now
When we need you the most
Hey, big fellah……….c’mon
Tabhair dom do lámh
Give me your hand
Back on the streets of Dublin when we fought the black and tans
You were there beside us, a towerin’ mighty man
And God help the informer or the hated English spy
By Jaysus, Mick, you’d crucify them without the blinkin’ of an eye
Still you had a heart as soft as the early mornin’ dew
Every widow, whore and orphan could always turn to you
We beat them in the cities and we whipped them in the streets
And the world hailed Michael Collins, our commander and our chief
And they sent you off to London to negotiate a deal
And to gain us a republic, united, boys, and real
But the women and the drink, Mick, they must have got to you
‘Cause you came back with a country divided up in two
… in response to a blog post that Lizzie
may or may not publish…
Words and music by David Bowie
Stone love – she kneels before the grave
A brave son – who gave his life to see the slogan
That hovers between the headstone and her eyes
For they penetrate her grieving
New love – a boy and girl are talking
New worlds – that only they can share in
New words – a love so strong it tears their hearts
To sleep – through the fleeting hours of morning
Love is careless in its choosing – sweeping over cross a baby
Love descends on those defenseless
Idiot love will spark the fusion
Inspirations have I none – just to touch the flaming dove
All I have is my love of love – and love is not loving
Soul love – the priest that tastes the word and
Told of love – and how my God on high is
All love – though reaching up my loneliness evolves
By the blindness that surrounds him
Love is careless in its choosing – sweeping over cross a baby
Love descends on those defenseless
Idiot love will spark the fusion
Inspirations have I none – just to touch the flaming dove
All I have is my love of love – and love is not loving
I now technically have three full time jobs…
I’m just a girl who cain’t say no…
We shall just have to see what happens. More details to come. I shall certainly be busy, in any case. Lalala.
Nine of Science (Despair): Experiencing mental anguish or self-pity. Grief. Depression. Insomnia. Escaping reality. Hiding from joy and innocence. Feeling isolated and alone. Self-cruelty. In the creative process: Your creativity is blocked by self-judgments and criticism. Forgive yourself and get back to the basics; recapture your innocence and rejoin the human family.
Angel of Science: “Quis basin demonstret? (Who would demonstrate the foundation?)”. Floating in the realm of pure or abstract thought. Objective, unemotional, and unbiased thinking. Mental speculation, exploration, meditation. A brilliant insight bursting through. Stimulus to organize or systematize. Precision and clarity of vision. In the creative process: An intellectual vision or perfect insight inspires you to rise above yourself.