Why you haven’t heard of Jonathan Carroll and why that should be rectified immediately…

Another one for the authors list: Jonathan Carroll. A beautiful and eerie writer whose work is best described as being a darker version of the urban fantasy genre perpetuated by such writers as Charles De Lint and Terri Windling (bit link happy today, aren’t I?)

Why have you never heard of him? Because his work is so very difficult to categorize. Deftly toes a line between fantasy and horror, but is far literary to be categorized as genre fiction. More like modern fiction with flexible boundaries. I suspect bookstores just have no idea where to shelve his stuff.

Anyway, if nothing else, read “The Marriage of Sticks”, which is exquisitely written and most unnerving, and which I read in a single night when I discovered it a couple of years ago. One of those books that you can’t put down at the time, but that does not lend itself well to rereading, as it sort of knocks the wind out of you the first time around.

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