Mommy’s Little Helper

Maggie was overtired today and I let her play hookie, I know, bad Mom. Still, she was grateful. She offered to help by feeding the baby breakfast. What was her choice? A bag of assorted cookies with orange juice. Nice try, but no cigar. And Sarah rewarded her by spilling the juice all over her chair. Sometimes I feel less like their mother and more like the zookeeper in the monkey house. Welcome to the monkeyhouse. Lalalalala…tommorrow is another day.

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Australian Dreamtime

Australian Dreamtime: “The ‘Aboriginal Dreamtime’ is that part of aboriginal culture which explains the origins and culture of the land and its people.

Aborigines have the longest continuous cultural history of any group of people on Earth – dating back – by some estimates – 65,000 years. Dreamtime is Aboriginal Religion and Culture.

The Dreamtime contains many parts: It is the story of things that have happened, how the universe came to be, how human beings were created and how the Creator intended for humans to function within the cosmos.

As with all other cultures – it speaks of Earth’s Creation by Gods and Goddesses – some of whom were kind hearted – while others were cruel.

The Australian Aborigines speak of jiva or guruwari, a seed power deposited in the earth. In the Aboriginal world view, every meaningful activity, event, or life process that occurs at a particular place leaves behind a vibrational residue in the earth, as plants leave an image of themselves as seeds. The shape of the land – its mountains, rocks, riverbeds, and waterholes – and its unseen vibrations echo the events that brought that place into creation. Everything in the natural world is a symbolic footprint of the metaphysical beings whose actions created our world. As with a seed, the potency of an earthly location is wedded to the memory of its origin. The Aborigines called this potency the ‘Dreaming’ of a place, and this Dreaming constitutes the sacredness of the earth. Only in extraordinary states of consciousness can one be aware of, or attuned to, the inner dreaming of the earth.

– Faces of the First Day: Awakening in the Aboriginal Dreamtime by Robert Lawlor

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Word Games

Friday night mutual admiration society

Tastes like lemon drops and sarcasm

Smells like trouble

Some of us remaining nameless

And others invisible

Shut out the rest when they don’t get our jokes

Mock the world we’re smarter than

Someday they’ll make us eat these words

Someday we won’t be

Safe and out of danger

Instant Karma comes knocking

We’ll get what we deserve

Or more than we bargained for

I used to be nice

You used to be quiet

Before we started to play clever games

Which taught us how clever games should be played

I have more words you have more wisdom

You can spell and I can cast a spell

Which one of us knows how to spell remorse

and is there a fifty point bonus?

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Sarah has a crush on Dan Rather

The CBS News is on and Sarah Keeps waving “hi” every time they cut back to Dan Rather. Also, she likes the pretty graphics.

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